Refinitiv Publishes February – and January – FX Volumes
Categorised: The Stream | Tags: FX volumes, non-spot, Refinitin, spot
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: March 8, 2023
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: March 8, 2023
LSEG’s Refinitiv has published volume data for the past two months in one hit after failing to publish January volumes in February.
The businesses’ spot volumes across all platforms was $102 billion in February, up 2% from January’s $100 billion. This represents a fractional fall, by just $1 billion per day, from February 2022.
On non-spot products, Refinitiv’s platforms handled $357 billion per day in February, up from $355 billion in January. This is a 3% drop from February 2022.
January’s data was naturally up month-on-month and the spot volumes were $3 billion higher than the year before, however non-spot volumes were down by $39 billion per day, or 10% year-on-year.