ECB Doles Out Trading Platform Contracts
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: April 3, 2024
The European Central Bank (ECB) and Eurosystem National Central Banks have awarded contracts to Tradeweb Markets and Bloomberg for the provision of fixed income electronic trading platforms.
Bloomberg has been awarded three contracts covering the provision of trading platforms for trading in EUR, USD and JPY-denominated government bonds and USD and JPY interest rate swaps, as well as USD and JPY-denominated futures contracts.
Tradeweb, meanwhile, has been awarded two contracts, one for EUR-denominated bonds, including European government bonds, covered bonds, corporate bonds, repo, deposits and certificates of deposits; US Treasuries; Japanese government bonds; USD- and EUR-denominated SSA (supranationals, sovereign and agency) bonds, and the other also for USD- and JPY-denominated interest rate swaps.
The term of the contracts is four years with the option to extend twice for an additional two years., The ECB last went through such a bid process in 2015, when Tradeweb won the tender.