Commerzbank Joins DMALink
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: December 4, 2023
Commerzbank has become the latest institution to join the emerging markets-focused ECN DMALink, the platform says Commerz’s addition bolsters efforts to extend cross-currency product support to select clients, supplementing existing USD-based currency pairs.
DMALink says it is presently building out its FX trading services across spot also supporting T+0 settlement through its API and GUI service as well as voice. “When considering a market maker for our ecosystem we strive to provide tangible value for our clients in respect to geographical location, depth of book, quote and other pivotal criteria,” says Michael Siwek, founder and chief revenue officer of DMALink. “Commerzbank strategically aligns with these prerequisites, enhancing liquidity within our ecosystem.”
Tibor Gergely, head of e-FX liquidity at Commerzbank, adds, “Our data-driven approach to liquidity provision enables Commerzbank to constantly optimise the trading experience for our clients and we aim to offer greater accessibility via venues to support their day-to-day business.”
Earlier this year, Danske Bank also joined DMALink to provide pricing in Scandi currency pairs – the platform also signed a Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code and expanded Code-compliant streams.
“The inclusion of Commerzbank stems from ongoing client demand, achieving our core objective of providing data-driven institutional FX liquidity in a variety of trade sizes to users of any of our platforms looking to access primary markets efficiently,” concludes Manu Choudhary, CEO of DMALink.