CLS Volumes Rise in September
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: October 19, 2021
CLS says it handled average daily trading volumes of $1.833 trillion in September, a 9.2% increase from August and up a more modest 2.3% year-on-year.
Very much reflecting data from the major FX platforms released earlier this month, spot activity at CLS was $436 billion per day, up 18.8% from August, but only slightly up, by 1.4%, year-on-year. It was a similar picture in outright forwards, with volumes hitting $114 billion in September, up 44.3% month-on-month and by 4.6% from September 2020.
In the largest FX market segment, FX swaps, CLS says it handled $1.283 trillion per day in September, a 4.1% increase from August and up 2.5% year-on-year. These data sit between the non-spot volumes reported by Refinitiv and 360T for September, the former being slightly below the CLS benchmark, the latter above.