ADAM Names Chair of Blockchain Security Group
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: May 3, 2022
The Association of Digital Assets Markets (ADAM) have appointed Mike Castiglione as chair of its new National Security Working Group, which will allow government bodies and regulators to interface with industry experts on blockchain national security issues.
Castiglione is director of regulatory affairs, digital assets, at Eventus. “We are very excited to have Mike as the chair of our National Security Working Group,” says ADAM CEO Michelle Bond. “ADAM has a very deep bench, and we know Mike will add to this, leveraging his experience to guide the working group. He will enable us to continue public-private information sharing to the utmost degree, and we’re looking forward to working with him.”
The new group aims to leverage private sector knowledge and expertise to empower policymakers and regulators with insights on anti-money laundering (AML) capabilities and to ensure blockchain technology promotes global growth, open markets, and stability. “Public-private partnerships are a cornerstone of sound regulation that encourages rapid adoption of emerging technologies,” says Castiglione. “ADAM members are positioned to learn from each other and to build the next suite of products that advances digital assets.”