The Full FX Unfiltered – with Loop FX
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: September 30, 2023
In the latest in the Unfiltered video series, Colin Lambert talks to Loop FX CEO Blair Hawthorne about the challenges facing the buy side when it comes to their execution policies and accessing the right liquidity at the right time.
Hawthorne shares his experiences from his time in the trading chair at a major asset manager and stresses the vitally-important role played by the banks in the Loop FX mechanism, while Lambert is also keen to explore the benefits, or otherwise, of a dark pool.
There is also time to talk about the recent link up between Loop FX and State Street’s FX Connect and what it will mean for buy side traders and their workflow, as well as what it will take to differentiate the business. In a wide-ranging and hugely entertaining conversation, the two also talk outside influences on the FX business, including, naturally, dating algorithms!