CLS, 360T, Integral Publish January FX Volumes
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: February 18, 2022
CLS handled average daily volume of $1.878 trillion in January, a 14% increase from December, but down 3% year-on-year. Spot activity was $455 billion, a 21.7% increase from December, but also down slightly, by 1.9% on January 2021.
FX swaps volumes at CLS also followed this pattern, at $1.329 trillion per day, activity was 12.7% up from the previous month, but down 3% year-on-year. Outright forward volumes were slightly lower at $94 billion per day, down from $95 billion in December and $96 billion the previous January.
Meanwhile, Deutsche Boerse has completed the report card for 360T’s FX volumes in January 2022, indicating there was a dip in non-spot volumes.
Earlier this month 360T reported a month-on-month increase and year-on-year decrease in activity but in the full volume the reverse is true, with ADV of EUR 101.8 billion, down 5.5% from December, but up 15.3% year-on-year.
Using a flat exchange rate of 1.15, this translates into non-spot activity of EUR 82.1 billion, down 8.3% from December, but up 23.1% from January 2021. Also earlier this month, 360T reported NDF volume of $864 million, up 9.2% and 30.5% respectively.
Elsewhere, Integral, which also reports ADV across all FX products, handled $48.7 billion per day in January, up 9.2% from December and up 6.3% year-on-year.