360T Data Feed Connects to Bloomberg
Posted by Colin Lambert. Last updated: December 16, 2024
Deutsche Börse’s 360T Data Feed is now available via Bloomberg’s market data feed, B-Pipe, and the Bloomberg Terminal, with direct licensing through Deutsche Börse Market Data and Services.
Previously, customers had to use the 360T API or Deutsche Börse CEF Feed to retrieve the data, but with the new solution, the firms say customers can now also access the data directly via Bloomberg’s solutions, thanks to central licensing through Deutsche Börse. The firms add the move makes it easier for customers to access, understand and visualise swap data and conduct curve analysis and execution comparison. This, they state, enhances the user experience and makes trading more efficient and insightful.
360T’s Swaps Data Feed (SDF) was developed in collaboration with Digitec and is based on contributed data from banks. 360T’s FX spot data sourced from its Essential Data Feed (EDF) is also available as a standalone product.
“This collaboration facilitates streamlined access to 360T’s Swaps Data Feed, ensuring seamless connectivity and licensing while delivering top-tier, precise data,” says Alireza Dorfard, head of market data and services at Deutsche Börse. “Bloomberg makes 360T’s data easily accessible to a wider range of customers, who can then benefit from the valuable data insights of the Swaps Data Feed.”